Happy to be Scrappy

Happy to be Scrappy

Friday, October 17, 2014

Playing with fabric.

This morning I took a little time to start trying to figure out what colors I want to use on the new Bonnie Hunter mystery.  She is using practically the same colors I used on the last mystery.  So I don't want to use those again.  I never did take a picture of the whole top but here is a link to the last picture I took of my quilt.  It is green, pink, purple and yellow.  The only difference is that she is using blue instead of purple.

So these are what I have laid out so far.
These are a much more traditional grouping of fabric.  And if you biggie size the picture you'll see why I say they are more traditional.  Most of the blues and the pink fabrics are some that I got in my $5.00 bag.  At this point I am planning to use the gray where she is saying that the yellow will be the only constant.  I did finally figure out that when she said it was a constant that she is only using one piece of yellow and not scrappy.  So I'll need to find a large enough piece of gray that I like to use in my top.  She doesn't plan to post the first step until late November so I have a lot of time to pick up the rest of what I want.

It seems that since I am not currently working on anything that really floats my boat I'm spending a lot of time wasting time.  If that makes any sense.

I do have a baby quilt I started two years ago almost finished.  Two more sides of tacking down the binding and it will be in the done pile.  It will be a gift for a two year old now.  So I'll post some pictures after it is officially given away. 

Have a great weekend.


1 comment:

clarel said...

your pic didn't show up for me, but sounds good!