8" Log Cabin Blocks |
I just had to. I absolutely just had to start piecing something else. The Baptist Fan quilting is going very slowly. Mostly because I haven't spent much time at home lately. But slowly enough that it seems I may never get done with it.
So Saturday morning when I woke up at 6:00 I got right to it. I made myself finish a row of the fans before I would allow myself to do anything else. I'm not going to share how many rows are done. Suffice it to say there are still more not done than done. Grrrrr
So after two hours of quilting I got out my 1 1/2" drawer of strips and started cutting for a log cabin quilt. The black is for the centers. Right now there are three different blacks that are tone on tone. I'm hoping that by using the tone on tone for the centers I can use some black w/ white fabrics for the logs. I thought I wanted to go with brighter colors but I'm not sure I like the way it looks so far. That means I'll probably cut strips from blah er colors for the next group and take another look at the blocks after that. Just so you know - spell check did not like the word blaher but it's okay with it separated out into blah er. Guess I could have used the word bland. Nah. I write the way I talk and it's obvious my grammar is not always correct.
So there you have it. I have absolutely no self control. I must be piecing something in order to get my quilting "fix".
And for those of you who actually read this that know and love me. You know who you are. I could use a new "small" cutting mat for Christmas. Hopefully this one will last until then. Every picture I take of this mat I can see more worn out white and less green.
Happy Sewing,