Happy to be Scrappy

Happy to be Scrappy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Impatiently Waiting

Days like today just drive me crazy.  I just can't wait to be home sitting at my sewing machine.  When I walked out the door this morning I said "OK, eight hours".  And now looking at the clock it seems that time is at a stand still and there are still over six hours to go.

Not only that, but Judy at Patchwork Times http://www.patchworktimes.com/ has not yet posted the second part of her Road to Brownwood quilt. I AM READY and impatiently waiting.  It's not often that I am caught up and ready for the next stage of construction.  But this time I am. Wish I had a picture of the fabrics I'm using but since I'm at work and not home at my sewing machine, I don't.  So I will just keep looking forward to the end of my work day which will get me home to my sewing machine. 


What is really note worthy about this post is that I was able to make a link to Patchwork Times.  My wonderful daughter Jennifer showed me how to do that.  Some things so simple completely stump me for so long.  Now I just wish I could remember the rest of what she showed me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday April 25, 2011

My design wall actually has much more on it this morning than this.  But due to a very busy Easter weekend my camera battery is dead and I cannot take pictures right now to show the progress.

I "think" I've decided that I like it having the blue center. Right now that is the layout.  I have also removed most of the lighter colors in the blue and red.  They muddy up the breaks between the lights and darks. 

Since my scraps have been getting out of control I thought 2 1/2" squares would be a good way to make this quilt and use up some of those piles.  However, I am sure it is not going to make much of a dent.

This is part of my scrap disaster.  I can say that as of right now the scraps are out of the brown paper bags (there were five bags) but the large tote hasn't changed much.  I just have not added to it.  It's just a good thing that I have a sewing room because I could see my whole house being consumed by scraps.  Hard to believe that I love scrap quilts so much but have so little control over the mess.
Enjoy your Monday.  Hope you are able to get to your sewing projects often this week.  And don't forget to check out the design walls at Patchwork Times.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Design Wall Monday April 4, 2011

WaaLaa - Drum roll please........  I finally got my Double Churn Dash top done.  This was made using recycled plaid shirts.  I'll take this opportunity to thank my sister Cathy for sending me some shirts from Wisconsin.  It was a Bonnie Hunter idea to use 100 % cotton shirts bought from local thrift stores.  And now I can't wait for yard sales to start so I can get some more shirts/material.  My camera doesn't like plaids. It tends to distort them. So sorry my picture is blurry.

Thanks to Patchwork Times for a place to share our design walls on Mondays.

I also want to share how to make the block.  This was a block that I did not have a pattern for but wanted to make.  I don't have a computer to program to help with the math so that is why it is a odd size.  If I knew then what I know now......anyway here are the measurements I used for the blocks.

The small/inner block finishes at 4 1/2"

Cut from the fabrics

Light Fabric   (small block)                                               Dark Fabric   (small block)
1  @    2" x 2" sq                                                             4  @    2" x 1 1/4"
4  @    2" x 1 1/4"                                                            2  @    2 3/8" x 2 3/8"
2  @    2 3/8" x 2 3/8"

Using the 2 3/8" light squares mark a diagonal  line from corner to corner. 

Lay a light piece on the top of the dark piece right sides together.  Sew a scant 1/4" on each side of the diagonal line.  You will then cut it apart on the line. Press the seam line open toward the darker of the two fabrics.  Trim off the dog ears.  These will be your corner units.  This will make four units.
Using the light and dark pieces that are 2" x 1 1/4"  lay a light on top of the dark and sew down the 2" side press open toward the dark side.  This will make 4 units.

Lay the pieces out as shown in the picture above using the 2" x 2" light square in the center. Sew together in rows as shown below. 

 I have shown you the back so you can see how I pressed the seams in opposite directions.  Then sew the rows together and tada a 5" block.  (Which I did not take a picture of.)

For the large block cut from the fabrics:

Light Fabric  (large block)                                                            Dark Fabric  (large block)

4  @    5" x 1 3/4"                                                                        4  @    5" x 1 3/4"
2  @    3 3/8" x 3 3/8"                                                                  2  @    3 3/8" x 3 3/8"

Alternate center cut:

Light Fabric

1  @    5" x 5"

Follow the directions given above for the smaller block.  However, this time your center block will be the small churn dash you already made.  You could also use the alternate 5" center to make a single large churn dash block.

I suggest sewing the block with the center facing up.  You will be able to see the points on the center block which will help make sure that the points don't get cut off in the seam line.
  Block size is now 10" and will finish at 9 1/2".