Happy to be Scrappy

Happy to be Scrappy

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday January 31, 2011

This is a post I have been waiting impaitently to write for several months.  I am thrilled to be finished with my Roll Roll Cotton Bowl top.  Yep, top.  It does still need to be quilted.  But with this quilt that is the easy part.  And I'm quite sure I have never said that before. What a great project this turned out to be.  It was so much fun to work so hard each week trying to be ready for the next weeks mystery post. I have always enjoyed string quilts and have bought several pattern books using string quilts.  After the making the sixty blocks in this quilt I may be broke of the desire to ever make another one with strings.   But there was certainly a great sense of accomplishment when they were done.    I did decide to make my quilt square.  Therefore, I have blocks left over for pillow shams or a small quilt.  But they will certainly NOT go on the back of a quilt.  At least not the back of this one.  Thanks so much to Bonnie Hunter for such a great pattern.  It was a lucky day indeed when I found Quiltvilles Quips and Snips.  She has plenty of inspiration to share with a little bit of humor thrown in to boot. 

Be sure to go to Patchwork times for a great place to see  projects on Judy's Design Wall Monday.  And check out her great patterns while your there. 

And the next time someone says mystery quilt, I'm sure you will see me and my posts tagging along for the ride.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Design Wall Monday January 3, 2011

Here is my version of Bonnie Hunter's "Roll Roll Cotton Boll".  However, I will need to name mine "One of These is Different" as one of my purple blocks was put together wrong and should be taken apart and redone but......  hopefully it will be the only one.  I still have 16 of the purple blocks to do and the 1/2 blocks that go around the outside.  I also decided to do mine in purple and yellow instead of pink and red.  I think it is looking great.  I am glad I decided to do it in this color scheme.

Here is a close up.

A huge thank you to Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville for the terrific pattern and fun mystery.  And to Judy Laquidara at Patchwork Times for a great place to post the updates and pictures. 

I love the yellow quilt Judy has planned to do.  May have to follow her lead on that one.  Check it out at Patchwork Times.